Thursday, March 1, 2012

Goin to the zoo zoo zoo

We finished up our fairy tales unit this week and will be introducing nonfiction next week. I'm excited to see who gets excited about nonfiction. Many times my more active boys who get easily "bored" with typical kindergarten topics suddenly become engaged as I introduced nonfiction units. This year we are going to be studying zoo animals and their natural habitats. I am thinking about doing a "survey" of sorts with the students to see what animals interest them most and go from there. If anyone has any good/age appropriate survey ideas for kindergarten kids let me know. I'd love to hear them!


  1. Hi, Hope, and welcome to the Slice of Life Challenge! As much as I love-love-love reading fiction, I tend to get excited about the nonfiction, just like your active boys. I think my most recent read is going to percolate up into a slice one day soon!

  2. Hope...I'm glad you are taking on this challenge. I can't wait to see how your & Carrie's blog evolves. Thanks for finding time to write, Ruth
