Friday, March 2, 2012

Frantic Friday

For me, Fridays seem to provide more of a frantic feeling than a feeling of freedom.  There is planning ahead, catching up left from behind, and what all do we have planned for the weekend?
In writing this, I am coming to realize that I haven't had time to appreciate those things I have accomplished this week.  Let's see...there was closing up the fairy tale unit, watching  my students become excited about becoming published writers, listening to them read in small groups and seeing them apply the skills we've learned along the way.
As I smile and breathe, I realize there is nothing to panic about.  My kindergarteners are learning and even having a little fun along the way.
~Happy Friday! Carrie


  1. Happy Friday! The line, "I haven't had time to appreciate those things I have accomplished this week" resonates with me. Sometimes the push and rush of the week steam-rolls me to Saturday. I'd love to see a picture of your kindergartners' published writings... so sweet their writing usually is!

  2. I am with you there - I think I need to set a goal to do a better job of embracing Fridays instead of letting them be just the big sigh at the end of the week.

  3. Smiling and breathing...often aren't these the perfect solution for panic? :)
